Gumball Animation by me!
I made this in May, an animation flipbook of Gumball! I should’ve kept working on it but I stopped since I was very busy over the summer. I used an online flipbook maker and to me it didn’t turn out half as bad as I anticipated!
I did make another one before this so I have to see if I can find that one!
I can’t upload screen recordings unfortunately, since I didn’t save the animation as a GIF so here’s a picture of what I was working on : D
Shazz_ looks good duder!
]- Jinx "Snortable" Powder -[ I appreciate it <:
I recommend That’s where I made the animation - tons of ideas and inspiration.
It looks cool! :D
@Lenarabu You made me laugh - he does have an iconic waist similar to a tic tac haha! Can’t unsee it!