not again....
@Your-Local-Gender-fluid wouldnt work
@Your-Local-Gender-fluid Ohhhh blank, YlL KeEpS LeAvInG My ChAt
Plus, you literally SPAMMED me with chats.
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} ThEn TaLk To E iF YoU DonT WaNnA gEt SpAmMeEd?
@Nova go away retard
@DripBheese you weren’t mentioned dumbass
@Nova nova atleast im not 8 and a little fucktard.
@DripBheese ok? so? no one asked -_-
@Nova just shut the fuck up you retard
@DripBheese bro with the retard xD
@Nova homie with the shit rep
@DripBheese who doesn’t care about rep XD
at least i have a father -
That's Fucked up
@Rin wdym
Many people don’t care about rep. Just get over it damn. -
@Aki bheese started it ;-;
Then just don’t respond. Or block her. -
Can we stop with this nonsense. I hate seeing it in my inbox
@Nova last time i checked you told me i could die in a ditch so yeah fuck off