What's your Furry story?
Honestly I thought they were really cool so I started to make my own ocs for turning it into wanting to make them irl so basically I became the freak of the school but that’s cool bc I don’t care what anyone’s got to say (also no I have actually made them irl yet.)
@Duchess So basically, when people want to be a furry, you just have to call yourself a furry. No big deal. There are no standards, no requirements, and no issues. If you don’t want to be a furry, that’s alright. Most furries have something called a “Fursona.” It’s like a “Persona”, or “Personality”, but as a furry. Fursonas can be anything regarding anthropomorphic animals, or “Animals with human traits”, such as standing on two legs, being able to talk, expressing human emotions and facial features, and more. There are no limitations to what species your fursona could be, either. Fursonas are basically a blank canvas for you to get creative and make something unique. For example… My fursona’s name is Fever Dream. He is 528 years old, immortal stuck in his 18-year-old body. He is a mix between Maine Coon and Serval, with wings similar to a phoenix. He is dating @SM9118Studios’s character, Misty. (SO COINCIDENTAL!!)
Anyways, enough about my character. If you have any other questions, I have been a furry since I was nine, or for 4-5 years. I am very educated about the furry fandom and it’s pros and cons, and sorry this was very long, but I just HAD to take this chance. I hope you learned something new! :3
(I didn’t read the other comments yet before I posted this, forgive me.)
(Edit: The comments didn’t even matter EIDUFYHGBEUIRFHB)
@Duchess Also, from your sexualized thing, furries do have a bad side, and honestly, it’s the same thing normal people do with themselves. People tend to focus on the bad side of the furry fandom. Really, the furry fandom is more about cosplay, creativity, fun, costumes, dancing, acting, and so much more. Not just sexual content, that’s the gross side of furries. There are zoophiles and pedophiles in the furry fandom, and there’s no stopping that. We do not support this bad behavior, and we wish we could prevent it all. Furries are nothing more than a human being that is aware of who they are as a person and DO NOT THINK THEY’RE ANIMALS.
My furry story is when I was back in fourth grade, I was obsessed with trying to be a cat. The kids at my school called me a furry. At the time, I didn’t know what it was, and little me decided to google it. Whenever I did, the first thing I saw was two slightly buff wolf fursuits, and i was amazed by how cute and creative it was. I showed it to my mom, thinking she would be happy, too. She was absolutely disgusted with me. She tried to convince me that furries were bad, and I just kept it a secret from her that I didn’t care what she said, I was a furry. A few years later she eventually found out that I was still a furry, and she was mad. After time passed, she eventually gave up and accepted my “horrible mistake.”
And if you were wondering, a lot of furries have multiple fursonas. typically a lot,
I have
@Duchess lol, well it all started when u watch a furcon vido. n then BOOM your just a furry
KayaRose anyway, i watch a furcon vido and i wanted to try and see what it was like. and i found my home, witch is was the furry community. i made me be me
@Calistaa said in What’s your Furry story?:
…Playing animal related mobile games and getting called a furry while growing up
(only makes me realize that people don’t know what a furry are and are just stupid,)
My fucking grammar
“what a furry are” -sen, 2023
@roxane Interesting. So how do you think making characters irl would end up later in life? Do you see that being something you do long-term?
Goofbread🍌😸 Don’t worry, I like reading long comments lol.
“Furries are nothing more than a human being that is aware of who they are as a person and DO NOT THINK THEY’RE ANIMALS.”
I seriously thought people literally identified as animals, not going to lie xD But interesting to know. But do you think people do sort of want to be an animal…? I’m curious what you think.
“She was absolutely disgusted with me.”
Probably because of the furry stigma. But I don’t actually blame her to be frank. It sounded crazy to me. Especially when it sounded like it was just a sexualized community. How did you translate wanting to be a cat at the time to wanting to be a furry? Did you ever wonder if it was just a phase? And what attracts people to playing an animal character?
@Duchess well I think it would be long term because I became a furry at 11 and still am one also this is what we make
Goofbread🍌😸 Wow.
@Duchess There are actually people who identify as… Animals… It’s quite strange in my opinion, but if I say anything, I’ll get canceled because “Anyone can be anything” :/
The name of these people is Therians. I have a friend that identifies as a “palace cat”
“How did you translate wanting to be a cat at the time to wanting to be a furry?”
Well, back then I was obsessed with cats. And when I found out that furries were basically people as animals, I thought that I could get a fursuit and pretend to be a cat. But I eventually passed that phase, thankfully.
Goofbread🍌😸 Ohh okay. So do you still say you’re a furry though…?
pretty sure i was almost a furry when i was younger but becouse it was frowned apon i didnt rlly look into it
Sapphire!!! teehee ^^
Goofbread🍌😸 Something I can never do. I’m just used to hiding things-
@Duchess Yes, of course! Furry for life.
I’m planning on becoming a fursuit maker!
In case you were wondering,
Fursuits are hand-crafted and personalized for each person.
They can take from months to years to make, cost about a minimum of 5,000, and can go all the way to 20,000, depending on the materials made, the complexity, the style, and the maker.
Since a lot of the fursuit makers now are getting older, it’s vital for new fursuit makers to come and take their place, so that’s where I come in. I’m planning on practicing and becoming a fursuit maker around the age of 18 when my parents can’t stop me from doing what I love. Sadly, that will be in another three years, but I can wait!
Being a furry is really fun and is a great opportunity for artists who enjoy animals and want to let out their creativity.
I’m not trying to convince people to become a furry, don’t get mad at me for that. I just want people to realize the furry fandom is not a bad thing, and more of the small portion of people who choose to be bad, like the zoophiles and pedos.
this is why i love the anti-furry