I'm bored roast me.
@J-u-n Yup.
Why did they do that /:
@Alexx what and who?-
The censoring s h i t, I find it pointless -
@Alexx ikr like we can do T h i s.
Exactly -
@Alexx Lol
Honestly, I’ma just do minor censorship so you atleast know what I’m saying.
Example: Sh*t
Goddammit, I feel cringe censoring D; -
Lucinda.. When your crush said he’d take out the trash, you thought he was asking you out.
@Duchess owie
You’re so bright, you could be a black hole. But instead of sucking in light, you just suck in general.
You’re so dense, light bends around you.
Lucinda.. you’re the reason why instructions on soap exists
Your social skills are so weak, you make introverts look like party animals.
You’re not arguing, you’re just explaining why you’re wrong.
I’m not saying you’re old, but I heard the early bird special is calling your name.
youre built like big mom from one piece
Your brain is like a browser with too many tabs open, nothing’s working properly.
You’re so forgetful, you’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached.
youre so fat u make caseoh look like a string bean