I'm bored roast me.
You’re so argumentative, you’d debate with a brick wall.
Your personality is like a flat tire, it’s deflated and going nowhere.
You’re so self-centered, you’d make a narcissist look like a philanthropist.
Your sense of humor is like a joke that’s been told too many times, it’s old and stale.
You’re so gullible, you’d believe a politician’s promise.
Your creativity is like a blank sheet of paper, completely empty.
You’re so forgetful, you’d forget your own name if it wasn’t on your ID. -
youre so bad at looking for stuff u couldnt even find who asked
Your relationships are like a toxic waste dump, they’re poisonous and unhealthy.
You’re so bad at learning from mistakes, you’d repeat them like a broken record.
This post is deleted! -
Your self-awareness is like a blind spot, you can’t see your own flaws.
You’re so bad at following instructions, you’d get lost in a straight line.
Your sense of responsibility is like a teenager’s attitude, nonexistent.
You’re so bad at apologizing, you’d make a politician look sincere.
Your emotional intelligence is like a puzzle with missing pieces.
@Grey_From_Pokepasta_Real LMAOOOO
youre so bad at aiming u make trump’s assassin look like a professional sniper that never misses
You’re so damn lazy, you’d rather sleep through your own funeral and miss the free food.
Your life is a shitshow, and you’re the ringmaster of this circus.
You’re so fucking clueless, you’d get lost in a one-way street and still manage to crash into a wall.
Lucinda.. You make Joe Biden look smart
Your brain is a fucking wasteland, nothing grows there, not even a decent thought.
Your relationships are a freakin’ nightmare, you’d make a toxic waste dump look like a paradise and still manage to poison the air.
You’re so shit at making decisions, you’d need a flowchart to choose what to eat for breakfast.