don't look if you love gumball
Shazz_ Just know your eyes are safe from harm.
@Creati_132 Oh jesus- Hydrochloric acid?
Hot Chocolate S t r o n g e r
@Creati_132 Nitric acid? o.o
fluoroantimonic acid?
@I_Løve_Zøf I was about to suggest that >:(
@Duchess I see x.x
Hot Chocolate snooze you lose LLLLL
@I_Løve_Zøf Nuclear waste
Hot Chocolate @I_Løve_Zøf Worse people
@Creati_132 Even worse? P l u t o n i u m
Hot Chocolate WORSE
@Creati_132 AHHHHH- Getting hit by a solar storm while your approx. 1.27 inches away from the sun?
(idk why i was so specific) -
Hot Chocolate Yes
@Creati_132 That’s good, because I don’t think I could find anything more powerful than that
Hot Chocolate Lol
Toxica XD…uh
Fan art.
dm me it??