@abc -- Reported User
@catnitrogen-s-brother Now you’re involved, that’s just d a n d y
Connected ✔️
VIP welcome back
Console: come on thats google translate
VIP Fun Fact: VIP is da best
@nova Fun Fact: Abc made me cry.
@δβς You existed
@δβς But it is.
Your existence made them cry. -
This post is deleted! -
abc m talking to u
@ominous74537 stop the notfs
tripod .
@ominous74537 Troll of the day
@ominous74537 .
We weren't arguing, to begin with?
Solution: ur all gay friggin idiots who cant shut the heck up. G e t a l i f e
Sam_The_Furry Can you please stop going back to old posts? I’m honestly over them.
abc i miss you