srsly tho, I got 99+ unreads. Shut the fuck up. Respectfully though cuz I love you all <3 <3 <3
Is it because your barely on and i get 88+ every morning? yeah.
@サイバースペース okay a n d ? .. I literally am on every day btw doesn’t matter still- yall needa chill 3 <3 <3 I meant it respectfully ..
@X-Cyx-X they do NEED to chill
and that is why I have my settings set on ignored
Tadpole ,_, I know how to do this already bruh. I’m still gonna be annoyed
Respectfully tho.
1 day I have 2 notifications
The next day… 99+
@X-Cyx-X but why, its an active forum, calm down.
the amount of posts made everyday is scary. But I think you guys on this post think I’m dead stupid. >_>
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} |Your Locals| ..Sleep Lovers.. Women's Rightslast edited by ꧁Your Local Lesbian꧂ Oct 30, 2022, 3:13 AM Oct 30, 2022, 7:12 AM