Something 4 U to know <3
Lainey🌚 ok
@Duchess True ok makes sense
Im bout to cry thanks for the inspiration i thought jesus would hate meeeeee
Lainey🌚 Yeah. I feel like it’s the same as not agreeing with someone’s choice to be vegan and them taking vitamin supplements instead of just eating animal products like they’re naturally here for. That doesn’t make sense. And just like to a Christian, it just doesn’t make sense to be gay/bi/lesbian because the bible teaches that relationships are made specifically for people to have a family. And you can’t do that naturally if you’re gay or lesbian. But nowadays, there’s science-y ways around it so people can do whatever they want anyways. Which most Christians don’t agree with either since that’s just not how things were naturally made. BUT… it’s not like everyone who’s Christian will disown them over it. And I dont even think most people these days even preach at them to stop anyways.
b r o w h y i s t h i s i n m y u n r e a d
@Duchess They don’t go against it, They Respect it but they aren’t going to like Do the whole “The Exorcist” On you.
@finneass Im a homosexual and Gay and I believe In god :| Most christians Like to scare the gays to stop believing Even tho god loves everyone not just the good ppl
Even If it says in the bible I still love god and Praise him
Some christians make no sense
Lainey🌚 I’ve never heard a god who hated 😬
Is that where you are today? If so, I have an important truth for you to hear and embrace: God does not hate you. Like each one of his children, God created you in his own image, he knit you together in your mother’s womb, and he loves you more deeply than we can understand
Archaeologists discovered that caveman ~mya (about a million years ago) actually enjoyed same-sex relationships (?)
@Duchess Lol I’m chill just a lil discussion Im not like some people who Get mad when others dissagree with them about stuff like this
Lainey🌚 Pride isn’t always Gotta be gay
it could be being selfish, and all about yourself
Lainey🌚 You’re a good person
@YourLustyPal Noooo Jesus Loves everyone because the father, god Made us and Knew this would happen
Besides, Pride Is just one of the many many sins.
@Haven pride is one of the seven rings of sins, but pride isn’t all about liking same-sex relations
@Duchess Unless you’re the vegan teacher
@laraiia I know I’ve said that hehe
@Haven said in Something 4 U to know <3:
Pride isn’t always Gotta be gay
it could be being selfish, and all about yourself
@Haven Yeah but… It’s in the bible to go against it though. Is what Im saying. So I dont get why there’s a church that “respects it.” It just sounds like that church would go against it’s own Christian religion’s teachings lol.
@Duchess Because god also says to love each other No matter what as much as he does
God dosn’t hate the sinners he hates the sins
Because he already Knows what you’ll do
He’s just waiting for you to do it so he can save you
homosexuality was never claimed to be a sin in the bible
stay educated folks