Practicing. (Fellow musicians welcome to vent.)
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 I’m just hoping things’ll get better. I can do fuck all right now and that hope probably doesn’t mean anything, but that’s all I can do.
@The4thFemC Either way, I appreciate it, man. <3 /p
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 my mom asf)
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 She doesn’t have the right to do shit that involves you but love you for who the hell you are. And if she’s gonna be entitled, She can do it somewhere else that doesn’t involve her child. Remember, Its YOUR Life, Not HERS Who the hell does she think she is, Trying to dictate what YOU Have to do? I know, She’s your mom but like, She doesn’t have to be included in EVERYTHING. Not everyone in this world is perfect. Or better. We’re all the same people. Living in shitholes. And dealing with assholes.
AND. Not to mention, Not everyone wants to be perfect to be loved. That’s not fucking fair Nor cool. That’s fucking like- Parents need to be more loving and Supportive. I swear.
If Nobody wants to do what YOU want, Don’t fucking force them. They wanna do what THEY wanna do. And You have to respect that.