anyone online i wanna bug people lmfao
@Namira Also damn, bro boutta go on his villian arc
@Winnie_the_Bitchless Mm, yeah, I don’t think I like how you actually think that’s cute and you’re not apologizing, I might just go ahead and block your ass.
@Namira sorry (when im pissed off i dont gaf-) (not pissed off by u tho-)
gn yall, its spring break but i gotta get up early tomorrow for my ma baby shower
@Winnie_the_Bitchless that was unnecessary
@Winnie_the_Bitchless This message and the other messages weren’t wanted and nessesarry at all-
Karol RealPianists DEV Music Enthusiasts listenin to spotifylast edited by Lorak Mar 23, 2024, 9:59 AM Mar 23, 2024, 1:58 PM
Sure, go ahead. Responses might be intentionally delayed (particularly media related content).
- 6 months later
Damn, Tbh.
Very ironic.
tea.and.crumpets what’s ironic
bankedboxbox It seemed very stick-up-the-ass and considering the post was “wow did you fucking discover sarcasm” whilst Poptart’s post likely also being sarcastic, kind of rubs me the wrong way and it seems ironic. Dunno though. Maybe I’m just being a overthinking little bitchboy.
tea.and.crumpets I don’t see any sarcasm behind poptart’s response so I was just curious where lied the irony, thanks for elaborating
bankedboxbox Yeah that’s fair. Maybe… I should stop overthinking about posts, especially ones that were made months ago and that have already probably been resolved anyways.
tea.and.crumpets said in anyone online i wanna bug people lmfao:
It seemed very stick-up-the-ass
I- yeah I get where that’s coming from
tea.and.crumpets said in anyone online i wanna bug people lmfao:
I should stop overthinking about posts,
I overthink so much, not just about MPPC but pretty much everything bruh It’s bad
bankedboxbox That was so random Bye
bankedboxbox O-oh okay