I hated my bus ride with every ounce of hatred I have left
Started out normal, got on the bus, went to an empty seat, these girls behind me started complaining that I took “their” seat, like bitch grow up, anyway, that was fine, the bus was packed, so someone had to sit next to me, blegh, that was fine, until the fucking bus started, then Taylor Swift came on, wellll, that ruined my mood because well, reasons i’m not sure why
“omg he took our seat
the other 92 available fucking seats on the empty ass bus first thing in the morning and the other people not saying shit when they have to sit with someone they don’t know -
@Adam it ruined your mood cuz taylor swift isnt that good
kitkatgirlie But I’m a swiftie, and usually I like her music-
@Adam im afraid i cant let u live
@zack Did I forget to mention I fucking HATE people (unless it’s someone I know, then I love sitting next to them)
@Adam not that you needed to
I hate it when people sit next to me, there’s this one bitch that keeps sitting next to me and asking me to move my shit so she can sit, when I literally have my shit in the way so that people can’t sit next to me, when the surrounding seats are actually available
I wanna smack her in the forehead with a brick -
@zack I kinda had to sit with this bitch because all of the seats were full
@Adam How annoying for someone to claim a seat like it’s theirs. I thought people hated assigned seats lol