Basic Rule Reminder
- Do not send NSFW content via post or private chat, and if you do it in a private chat, you could at the very least make sure the receiving individual is okay with it.
- Do not go out of your way to start shit with other users publicly, and if you do it privately, PLEASE keep it among yourselves. If a moderator needs to be involved, you may involve one, but not over something stupid. Do not make public posts about it, thank you.
- Don’t make multiple posts of basically the same thing repeatedly over short periods of time, especially if it’s something that’s irrelevant and nobody cares about. This is called spam posting. If you wish to do so, do it in moderation (very few or timed; posted a while after the other).
There would be more, but these are just the top 3 problems this community faces. Please follow the rules. You might find the drama entertaining, but I can assure you the moderators and administrators do not. Neither do I.