if ur seeing this....
@quirked-up-white-boy FUCK
scarlet lol sorry parental unit
@quirked-up-white-boy i got ban lol
@angel-dust oooo send in dms hooman
@quirked-up-white-boy its fine child
scarlet lol just realized u adopted everyone and then me and xay got together
@quirked-up-white-boy omg?! really?! i would have never guessed! how did u know?!
@quirked-up-white-boy fs
@quirked-up-white-boy u have a step bro
oop- -
Ky.Is.High. just a guess
@angel-dust but thats my partnerrrr
@quirked-up-white-boy lol
@quirked-up-white-boy damnn thats one hella good of a guess.
@quirked-up-white-boy they would be my child in-law anyways-
Ky.Is.High. mhm ikr
scarlet lol oki
@quirked-up-white-boy lol
@quirked-up-white-boy it’s true tho
not true
you’re right