I feel bad for NCT, for what Taeil did.
I feel bad for NCT. Not only did Taeil hurt his fans, But he also hurt the ones that looked up to him the most. They cared for him, Loved him, Made sure he fitted In the group and not the Odd one out. And then he does this as a thank you? That’s absolutely selfish and heartbreaking. He actually did that. At first I didn’t believe It, because “Taeil wouldn’t do such a thing, Right?” WRONG. He Actually did It. I don’t blame NCT for caring about him. I actually don’t. Because they looked the fuck up to him, Made sure he was comfy In the group, They took care of him as if he’s fragile. That’s actually not fucking fair. That’s selfish and hideous. Fuck you, Taeil.
@Bandit what