I feel like this is the type of food they serve at Long John Silvers'
@tea-and-crumpets . . . hold tf up man imma mail a Popeyes biscuit to you-
★【♪シBlake。シ♪】★™ Good luck sending that without Customs seizing it :)
@tea-and-crumpets whats the ‘customs’
★【♪シBlake。シ♪】★™ Right I forgot you’re an American and that practically doesn’t exist over there…
“Customs is an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting tariffs and for controlling the flow of goods, including animals, transports, personal effects, and hazardous items, into and out of a country.” •••Source; Wikipedia
@tea-and-crumpets Naw cuz that bs sounds wild
★【♪シBlake。シ♪】★™ It isn’t really. It’s just a precaution measure to stop smuggling. If Customs didn’t exist, it would be easy to smuggle drugs and other illegal substances in , and other potentially/incredibly dangerous things.
@tea-and-crumpets Ah. (america is the best place to live for drug dealers
★【♪シBlake。シ♪】★™ said in I feel like this is the type of food they serve at Long John Silvers':
(america is the best place to live for drug dealers)
tis true, unfortuately.
Shazz_ Caseoh is build like jupiter
Imagine CaseOh goes on a seafood diet.
Oh wait, he already is on one. He sees food and he sucks it up like a vacuum cleaner using his planetary gravitational force. -
@tea-and-crumpets EW WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT
@tea-and-crumpets said in I feel like this is the type of food they serve at Long John Silvers':
Imagine CaseOh goes on a seafood diet.
Oh wait, he already is on one. He sees food and he sucks it up like a vacuum cleaner using his planetary gravitational force.NAW CUZ TF?
@中本悠太 . . . fucking poverty in food form
★【♪シBlake。シ♪】★™ That is making me lose my appetite…
@中本悠太 that shii is legit the great depression. its called depression for a reaso-
★【♪シBlake。シ♪】★™ HELP
★【♪シBlake。シ♪】★™ THE WAY I CACKLED FRL
@中本悠太 lol
★【♪シBlake。シ♪】★™ Lmao