How do you guys feel to know that aliens acknowledged this site 🤔
I personally like the fact that not only actual human breathing people acknowledged this site, but different species like aliens acknowledged this site. It’s like the site is becoming slowly acknowlegable. And It’s nice to know people still care about this
dead asssite !! 😽😽 -
Glarp feeble zorp vo “care”. Geeble flarp tooble woorp dip.
@YangyangsLegalHusband I actually find it cool
its funny how aliens found about this site faster than most people on the earth
im glad to see more people
Zeep zinky dooble gleep!! Glarbo!!!
Wubbrle the Wubble... said in How do you guys feel to know that aliens acknowledged this site 🤔:
its funny how aliens found about this site faster than most people on the earth
shouldn’t even be funny, that’s expected lmao
geebie flooble
canned fish Yub prooble jui der glorppie queze huuzarple plor
canned fish true