Ok so, like, guess who asked for me in class
So do you guys remember that back stabbing b word?
I hope you do, anyways, I’ve been sick all weekend and yesterday and partially today.
So I didn’t go to class, but my friends did
Yesterday no one asked for me except the friend of backstabbing b word
Today, my ex crush and back stabbing b word asked for me
Lets call back stabbing b word K
So K in class asked “Where’s (my name)” and “Is she ok?”
My girl best friend said “Yeah she’s fine”
Then K says “Thank god”
Then my friend who’s “not dating” my friend is trying to convince me to forgive K
Idk what to do, because, now I completely hate K, because K’s boyfriend told my friend to kill herself, and K didn’t defend her
Tell me what to doooooo -
@Creati132 Not this witch again. I don’t know she even continues to hang out with you guys. Or this bf guy of hers. They sound like a toxic power couple o .o I would cold turkey ghost them if this were me and I had guts. I wish I could be one of your friends from school just so I could protect you and your friend against them.