Everything you want to tell me, say it here. Even if I never see it.
This could possibly be my last post.
@it-s-just-sen sen go back to roleplay room
@it-s-just-sen Ill miss you so fucking much you’ve helped me more than most people on this site and i can go on and on and on about how much you were such a great friend to everyone you were close with
@it-s-just-sen I love you so fucking much you’re my best friend and I need you always and if its gonna be better for you to leave then do that just know I’m always thinking about you because you’re one of my best friends and my first friend not irl here, I’m sorry if I ever argued with you or anything and I’m sorry if i was bitch.
If you do leave, just know. .We will always love you my child. Take care of yourself.
goodbye, thought we almost never talk, you will be missed on everyone’s heart, i wish you good luck on whatever is coming next
i’m gonna visit you tomorrow
Take care of my child please [Not that you wouldn't]
…I have no idea what’s going on.
You’re leaving??
I’m going to miss you Sen, you’re one of the bestest friends I’ve ever had.
I’m going to miss our funny moments…
I enjoyed seeing you online every day, and when we talked
I always pissed myself and wheezed so hard-
I’m not good at this, but…
I’m going to miss you very much, Sen.
You’re irreplaceable.
I love you Sen *(Platonically), hope you take care.
ew wtf is thsi