I..Don't know what to post anymore. but can i be honest?
I wanna be honest, I feel like everyone hates me and i feel like everyone i mad at me for doing nothing. It seems when i com one everyone goes quiet and like leaves. I feel like no one wants to be around me And I feel like everyone hates me besides @RyLIE-Offline and @Kirito-the-jackass-swordsman. So I guess just call me names or say thing about me you hate, this is your chance.(again, im being honest)
i dont hate you we just dont talk much :]
@quirked-up-white-boy I just feel like when I come one here every one hates me and they just stfu and I feel like everyone ignores me.
@Kaya-Rose Well firstly. I don’t hate. I never hate. I juggle trying to talk to many people, so if I don’t talk to you, I’m sorry. I currently have a lot on my plate right now, and so do other people. It hurts to not have a lot of people want to chat, but sometimes we get left in the dust. Take school and personal lifes into consideration. Maybe not everyone wakes up in the morning saying “I can’t wait to talk to Kaya” but that doesn’t equal everyone hates you. People always accuse the world of hating them like we actually set out to have hate for you. That’s just not how the world works. Not everyone has time for every single person to feel 100% cared by them. If I spent all my time doing that, I’d never sleep. I already don’t sleep on a regular sleep schedule so I can talk to people on mppc… I actually do go out of my way to touch bases with people. Maybe I haven’t talked to you, and maybe that’s my fault. But nobody hates you, my friend. There are hundreads of people on this forum. We just don’t have time for everyone, as cold as it sounds.
@Duchess im saying that its like every time i come on her everyone leaves as soon as i saysomthing to somone evryone leaves besides rylie