Why does nobody ever talk to me?
I know I’m boring, but I usually wake up with 0 notifications and 0 unread messages. Feel free to ignore this too I guess.
the most i ever have is 16
jun I’m just excited to have 2 sometimes… then I find out it’s just people I follow posting.
im not good with talking to people
@quirked-up-white-boy I’m not usually talked to, man.
@Misty I don’t think I’ve talked to you that much honestly, I should probably spread my range of sociality because I really love to talk : )
My bad for not stopping by and conversing a little bit - and you’re not boring.
Morning everyone! -
Shazz_ It’s alright, and you don’t have to start now.
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Hello.
@Misty Hru?
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Everything hurts, you?
well you shouldnt wait for someone to message you you should take the first leap.
@Misty its my b-day but it dont feel like it
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Happy birthday, wolfy. I know how it feels.
It seems like everyone wants people to talk to them, but no one wants to initiate conversation first.
@Misty just that you never really talk much yourself, we don’t have anything to talk to you about lmao
@Duchess I try to.
jun I post about tomodachi life constantly.
@Misty maybe we don’t like tomodachi life like you do? :0
jun Why not? It has moments like this