I tried to take a picture of myself crying I look like a serial killer
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@CameronlovesTripod (o_o)
@CameronlovesTripod people actually get in trouble for that joke because uhhh, nobody knows
jun its not a fucking joke
@CameronlovesTripod oh okay so i can just be like Shazz_ and you wouldn’t care
jun this isnt the only website i can be on shazz cant bann me off the internet
@CameronlovesTripod doesn’t know that “ip grabbing” is a sitebannable offense does he
You can get banned from more than just mppc
@Sen whos says im gonna grab their ip here like bruh
@Sen and i only said that i would if they didnt stop hitting on my bf
@CameronlovesTripod Chile, they said one word
What other sites does Sage use that you know their user on that you can effectively grab their IP on? Great talk.
@Sen minnit chat
@Sen they have been hitting on him more than just this post bro
@Sen i wouldnt get so mad just for one word like bruh
@CameronlovesTripod oMg gUys hE tHReAtenEd to IP grAb!
@Sorry-Its-Sage y u do that
@Sen bro