if anyone does this, it s u c k s
i play the cymbals, so you would think i get off pretty easy, yes?
about halfway through the first song, my wrist tendons begin hurting like hell, and the leather holding the cymbals to my hand begins to dig into my skin, the little sharp washer bit between the leather and the cymbal start slicing into the tops of my fingertips, and it only gets worse from there.
i have two cuts on each of my ring fingers, right above my fingernail (from the sharp washer part). Every time a bit of sweat accumulates, which is often, it stings as the salt worsens my wound, sweat running down my arms and into any other cuts i may have accumulated over the week. The muscles worsen, stiffening up until I can’t move my hands well, which is needed in order to play the cymbals. I begin to panic, quickly shoving the cymbals together and making the tendons scream in pain.
TLDR; marching band hurdt D: