my nana has cancer, i understand. look sometimes doctors are wrong, they told my nana 2 months, its been 6. things will get better, its hard to hear but you cant let that stuff break you down. im sure that your uncle is strong and hes gonna fight it.
@A38 I have my own intolerance to certain sounds made by individuals from 0 years and onward, which fortunately does not include baby screams. Up close baby screams is definitely ear piercing.
Update: She’s talking about how my anger issues will not help me sustain a job but those anger issues Only happen with My parents and not usually other people.
When Other people I get smart using as much logic to make them mad.
Broooo I Swear. I Will Inv you to my house,And plus, her anger issues suck. And Bonus
I am always here if you needa chat or vent<333