why do so many people hate me here?
@The-Wife-Of-Sen I’m asking a genuine question.
@The-Wife-Of-Sen I’m tired of fighting. I’ll end it right here with the apology, if you want one.
Silxnce i don’t want you to say sorry, i want you TO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE
@The-Wife-Of-Sen then quit replying to my shit and don’t fucking mention my name again.
Silxnce what the fuck is stopping me, bitch?
i’m not taking your fucking shit anymore, or anyones -
@The-Wife-Of-Sen okay then bastard, I’ll keep on bothering you lmfao.
@The-Wife-Of-Sen so fucking stupid, your retarded ass could have left it there, but nooooo, have to have the last word.
@The-Wife-Of-Sen I’m not a coward, the coward is the one that’s yelling and throwing a bitch ass tantrum like a toddler.
Lmfao -
Silxnce growing up in a abusive family made me realize that, I might have to take my family’s abuse, but no-one elses
@The-Wife-Of-Sen this ain’t abuse child lmao, this a conversation, and that’s a sight you are fucking stupid.
Silxnce LMFAOOOO THIS BITCH 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Silxnce verbal abuse, you fucking retarded baby
@The-Wife-Of-Sen and , you ain’t the only one XD
Silxnce what
@The-Wife-Of-Sen bitch, you the baby here, all loud and shit, you want your binky? What about you bottle?
@The-Wife-Of-Sen Well It Aint My Fault You Got Offended Ma’am. Sounds Like A You Problem If You Ask Me.
@The-Wife-Of-Sen did I stutter?
Awwwww Bring Your Other Fucking Retarded ass friends 2 back u up or else stfu