Sarvante listen up
Neincraft Woah /:
Let’s settle down, please. I honestly don’t know why Tsunamii is acting up over the acclaimed ‘ugliness’, but please guys -
Neincraft stop. your going to fucking far.
Sorry I over reacted that’s my bad
I apologize
Neincraft You’re okay ^^
Thank you. -
I overreacted and I said some things that are not true
Neincraft You think she needs to shut her mouth? Maybe you do. Saying all of this is why she is making these posts. I’m sorry but if you keep making mean posts like this ill tell a mod because this is why our community is so toxic. Just stop already. I know you would not say this if you knew her in real life. So please stop making other people feel like they don’t belong here.
Yea that’s my fault I have anger issues and a need to deal with them in a healthier way
Shazz_ i’m sorry but i thought you said “you’re gay” and now i am profusely laughing
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