I'm bored roast me.
Lucinda.. you are the reason why god created da middle finger,
God damn has no one ever seen someone do an actual good roast like wtf you guys are like little children. and I bet you all of you are older than me. makes ZERO sense.
No I haven't lmao, a lot of people just say the same thing
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} so you’re saying i’m built different
Yes but in a good way
I’ve seen blobfish who look better than you.
Were you born this stupid or did you take lessons?
Your mother is stupid.
Makes sense though, like mother like daughter.
You were raised by the best! <33 -
@J-u-n ur mom
such a waste of words. too bad i don’t give two fucks anymore huh mint? You wasted that time typing that just for me not to care, must suck when your insults don’t hit their mark.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi ME PERSONALY
@Monkeyz_4Lif3 “me personally” “me personally” i’d shut the fuck up if i was ever heard sayin some shit like that. you think your funny but if it was you personally you’d probably be a whiny baby about it and throw a rage tantrum tryna hurt my feelings.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi damnnn-
@S0urpatchk1ds_ oh don’t you fucking start with that damn bullshit mia.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi tf did i do.
@S0urpatchk1ds_ it’s not what you did, it’s what you didn’t do.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi actually sorry to break your bubble but id just laugh abt it honestly. it takes a while to make me cry. try harder next time :))