Relationship With Your Mom Story?
@Duchess uhm me and my mom have a love hate relationship tbh one min we hate eachother then next we love eachother
same -
90% of the time she disagrees with me or tells me I’m doing something wrong. It’s kind of annoying. I prefer “boy” colors and she thinks that’s too masculine and I should stop. As well as clothes. So of course, I get annoyed and sometimes snap but then I get yelled at. She always points out my faults and how there terrible, and should be ashamed of them. Also she always forgets my name.
I have a way better relationship with my brother than my mom. Me and him are the least favorite child, my oldest sister is TOTALLY the favorite. -
@Duchess I am writing a book.
ion like my mom -
my mom is quite the best thing but my dad is quite the extra hell itself
I had a good mothers day. I got to spend a lot of time with my mother and I loved it. Me and my little sister and my mom went out to eat and since my sister is only 7, she wanted to go to the park so we went there. Then I gave my mom her present, It was this watch she has always wanted. And by far, we had a great time.
I hate her guts and I wish I was never related to her
Neincraft it makes me guilty that others have such amazing moms while I don’t
Neincraft while me over here not even having a mom
@1zzylmao oh buddy i dont have one eaithervshe left me dude
Sandwiched Catmonger Does that get in the way with having a good relationship, or would you say you have a good relationship despite the arguments? What I mean by a “good relationship,” I mean like a healthy mother-child relationship where you both love eachother.
@HEXER To me, it sounds like she gaslights the issues. Which, is pretty sad since the problem refuses to even consider they need to change a few things to make their own son have a better childhood. Because they don’t even think there is a problem. And honestly, that’s a scary thing to think about. But I know exactly what you mean. I think, honestly, just not bothering to tell her about it is, in the long run, better. Narcissistic parents can’t really be called out for their actions or they’ll just do what they do best and dismiss/gaslight you. It’s really really hard to do, but just not telling them about it is probably for the best. It would save the lectures and save you getting slapped with lies every time. I don’t see your mom likely ever admitting she’s done you wrong. It’s clear she doesn’t think that. So there’s no point convincing her otherwise.
yourlocalkitkat Siblings are nice to have since they can be like live-in friends. They’re more around your age and understand where you come from with your problems being their kids too. So I get it. It’s good you do trust your mom though :)
Cursed Cucumber That’s really amazing to hear. My mom has a good sense of humor as well. It’s great when you can just talk to someone and make it enjoyable rather seeing your parent as a boss.
@laraiia Your mom’s a makeup artist? Is that what you mean? And oh my goodness, your parents sound so adorable XD I would love if my parents had matching careers. It’s great your mom and you are good friends :)
@Victor Like I said in a previous comment, mother’s are complicated creatures haha… I think maybe her being your mom and having to tell you to do things might get in the way of the friendship part, but I’m glad you love eachother nonetheless.
@Knoxzee That’s kind of silly to point out how masculine you are when it honestly doesn’t matter. It’s just a style, and that’s not something you should be ashamed of. That’s just silly. I’m glad your brother and you have become close though. It’s really lovely when I hear people having a good relationship with their sibling(s). My sibling relationship is a bit odd. We have a cheesy “I love you”/huggy/joking/teasing relationship, but we never confide in eachother. Or share much besides surface level things like knowing eachother’s favorite animals/colors/foods. So basically on the outside, it looks like we have a deep bond, but we really don’t. Same goes for my parents I guess. But it’s genuinely alright with me.
@WoodGecko9118 Oh yeah! Indeed you are. And it definitely shows. You’re a really great writer.
@That-Machine Wow. So is your dad like…difficult then?
@607-Eli Aww, that’s so cute. I am glad you guys had a great day. I love watches lol. And how nice of your mom to take your sister to the park :)
Neincraft There are many people who also struggle with their mother relationship, so don’t feel like you’re alone. And…she left you? Wow, that’s an awful thing of her to do. I’m sorry you have to live with that. If she’s not in your life, have you considered healing from the fact that she left you? Like moving on and stuff. I’m not saying you have to, but have you ever thought about it?
Yeah. .I don't exactly know why its so hard for some adults to admit they're in the wrong.
But its also not just adults too.
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} True. Kids are hard to handle too. I do question if there are users here who talk about a difficult parent if they, too, are being difficult. But I don’t usually ask.
Yeah. I just prefer to ask my eldest sister [As she's an adult] and if she says no THEN that's when I ask my mom
I don’t have anything to say negative about mine as she’s genuinely a caring person and has never mistreated me
@Duchess I’ve sprinkled little details of my relationship with my mom here and there.
Most people already have somewhat of an Idea but I don’t get along with my mother, not in the childish parent-child relationship way, more of the “She abandoned me to pursue drugs and never wanted kids in the first place” kind of way.
We don’t see eye to eye, and in her eyes, I’ll always be her little failure. But that’s okay, I don’t have any desire to see her or impress her, Ive made it clear to her I want little to do with her.
@Duchess i did move on i just hate her for it
@CaptainPresto said in Relationship With Your Mom Story?:
I’ll always be her little failure
She’s pretty much the one.
Why do all of you hate your moms?? One day she is gonna die and you will Never see her again.