@MichaelDaGrapeBoi j o e
@Blue wtf lmao
Shazz_ Is that nikocado avocado.
ive seen porn of him my friend showed me it. you can ask someone on a random discord server vfnbgnhyrjtuk ITS E V E R Y W H E R E
D :Also sorry if I just scarred you we can suffer together :')
@Mika_Is_Weird ack
@Mika_Is_Weird i love jokes like that lol
@Blue weirdo ((((no offense fyi being weird is amazing))))
@Mika_Is_Weird aa no it’s oki heh
@Mika_Is_Weird i honestly don’t care what people think of me =w="
@Blue same :P
@Mika_Is_Weird same
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi frfr
@Blue Sigh, his onlyfans community does have some censored activity I’ve heard, for 18+ and stuff since he mentions it in every mukbang video.
Lol this was a planned thumbnail for another compilation haha! -
Shazz_ LOL-
@Blue this used to be him wtf
Shazz_ did you know Nikoado is secretly good at singing
@Blue WHAT HAPPENED TO HiM??>>!>>?!?!?@:LNENELKCNKJCndkjgnrkldvnjkhelfdmbkfdn
JDP_Random omg no i did not
@Blue he learned the way, of the Bigmac