My Gumball Fan Art!
@Alexx the teachers never say which is weird asf but they said dont worry abt tht
Ah, Alr. Well you seem to be doing decent. -
@Alexx igs-
@Alexx they down bc i was absent for 4 days n didnt do any work
Damn I missed 3 days, and the people who I used to hang around weren’t the best influence so I kinda ditch often, causing me not to get my work in. -
Shazz_ if this isn’t the most upvoted post on mppc idk what is
@Alexx Good to hear - I used to struggle with math specifically due to the amount of homework alone. But yea being academically good is important ultimately.
Mhm. -
That’s fucking amazing.
Inspired by ]- Jinx "Snortable" Powder -[ 's cover art! : D
Shazz_ cute
I love that you like that show I do too
yoo thats so cool i love it
@FinnyWinny @Your-Local-Non-Binary-Kiddo Thanks guys ^^ <3
Something i realized is, You draw Darwin’s leg’s very tall, But that might be a creative choice, Keep up the good work, Shazz!
@アストルフォ pretty sure his legs are like that naturally
@Sen i mean, im pretty sure darwin has medium sized legs in the show
@アストルフォ are y’all seriously gonna argue over how realistic Shazz_'s art is XD LMAO