@YourLocalPansexual i dont like people that think that CHILDREN can change there gender WHEN THEY DONT KNOW WTF THEY WANT
@Alexandria Real.
@Alexandria Because the general consensus nowadays is to force kids into things that are becoming social norms.
Nobody is focused on what the kids want to be, or what they actually feel. Teachers are TEACHING transgender as if it’s required. Not to say i’m against transgender folk. Im happy to see people wanting to be themselves, I’m against teachers pushing it on kids that are too young to be able to think for themselves.
@Alexandria i agree
@CaptainPresto i agree
Finally someone speaks the truth
Knox FR
Idk, something tells me I’m not comfortable with being a female. Being a child must really mean I don’t feel, huh?
@Alexandria I’ve never felt like I was a girl, using he/him pronouns feels right to me (being called a girl has made me wanna die since I was 8) and didn’t start using he/him until I was 13 and now im 16, I’m not gonna be a bitch if I get called a girl, just I make it clear I don’t like that, I’m just a feminine presenting trans guy, once I can legally, im gonna get the surgeries, until then it’s ok if I change my mind (it’s unlikely I will)
@Sen i never said anything about feeling i said about being to young to make there own dission
as a genderfluid person, i can agree
@Alexandria I’m 15, and I feel like someone who can’t spell decision shouldn’t tell me to make my own choices as an upcoming adult living in my own body
just sayin