Mention your top 5 favorite people
@ItzHarley :)
@omgitsfinneas NUH UH
@YourLocalPansexual said in Mention your top 5 favorite people:
@Ttp-s-Wife-3 What-
old group zof was in
why do we keep doing these?
@Thetruepath Oh
jun no fuckin clue XD
@YourLocalPansexual only cuz what 😭
Cursed Cucumber nothing-
@YourLocalPansexual you gotta tell me bro
@YourLocalPansexual pleaseee
Not ANOTHER one of these. There are at least 100 posts about “mention who’s…” I mean, again, it’s nice and all, and thank you very much, but I think we can lay off of mentioning your favorite people every other day.
@Duchess Real.
@Cyx -
@YourLocalPansexual w 0 t ?
i dont know i dont really talk to people
ɪɴꜰɪɴᴀ-ᴘʜᴏᴇɴɪx This is like the third or fourth time I do these things
@Burd Will always be first
kitkatgirlie Second
@YourLocalPansexual Third
@BubblyStars Fourth
@Sen Fifth -
@Soggy_Bread Yay!!