I just got rid of a blood sucking parasite named Michael!!!!!
@Michael-Afton-Ig whats goin on
@Kaya-Rose lucy being lucy and blaming her “suicide” on me.
@Michael-Afton-Ig who the fuck is lucy
@KodaHasToKeepMakingAlts who tf asked for you to butt in-
@Michael-Afton-Ig I feel ya
@KodaHasToKeepMakingAlts the person who made the topic-
@Kaya-Rose who’s the person who made the topic
Did you know a leach has 32 brains
what the fuck
JDP_Random uh
@Michael-Afton-Ig So don’t worry Michael they are calling you smart.
JDP_Random #Infinite IQ
JDP_Random exactly U^U
@Michael-Afton-Ig Yea the infinite IQ gang
it’s circumstances like these where an “U^U” is absolutely uncalled for and not appropriate. Jus sayin. don’t get heated just cuz I said that now, mike.
nor is the joke
jus sayin that cuz of what’s been goin on all night so
oop its here again
can you all please stop the arguing? This post was uncalled for and unneeded.