dumbest fucking thing youve said
“I just unstuffed the crust!” - Me last evening with my parents when we were eating pizza.
Did you know 1 plus 1 is eleventeen
#Infinite IQ -
JDP_Random eleventeen
@X-Cyx-X yea im very good at math
when i told him ¨i like you¨
I haven’t came out to my mom yet when I said this. Here is the dialogue.
Movie plays
Lesbian SexMe: "Heh. Nice.
Mom: “What do you mean?”
Me forgetting my mom was even In the room with me: “Shit-”
My mom concerningly Looks my direction and I need to explain how I’m not gay (But I am actually Bi but I don’t tell her)
Days later aka two days ago My mom asked me If I’m bi I deny then she goes on to explain that she exepts me as her daughter (Me in my head cackling Cause I’m trans and have been for a year now)
@Your-Local-Non-binary cough fear street cough
@X-Cyx-X I was Scard as fluff DRENCHED Practically taking a back in my own SWEAT And I was stuttering. It was obvious I was Bi Lol
@Your-Local-Non-binary 💀💀 damn bro had to go into full detail too
“i dont think a particle of dust wants to touch your d!ck. Your boxers must be traumatized”
its a name but i don’t know if i should say it because they are on mpp
@X-Cyx-X Juneteenth O-O
@Clay dam
i should use that one day
scarlet lol damn*
@Intruder ik how to spell damn
dam is just funnier (to me at least-)
scarlet lol that was in response to fnck you in class- the guy was very pissed abt it
@Clay ima use that on someone i loathe very much
scarlet lol yes
@Intruder mhm yes