MY introduction
Yaboralski or something idk
Yaboralski XD Alright
JDP Random yes sire
You’re… 13… And smoking weed
Goofbread🍌😸 Gotta agree with you on the bunnies though.
Goofbread🍌😸 they eat each other
Cursed Cucumber …… yes
Cursed Cucumber I’m like a cartoon character I stay the same age for like 13 seasons
Yaboralski same with hamsters
Goofbread🍌😸 I hate hamsters
Yaboralski what da hamsters do to you
JDP Random one stole my favorite pencil
Yaboralski why it steal the pencil
JDP Random idk hatred?
Yaboralski he prolly took it to plot an attack on you cuz you didn’t feed him enough snacks fr
Plus they eat wood sometimes, so worst case, that pencil became some beef jerky
JDP Random damn