It's okay, plushies can't hurt you
this is a compliment
kitkatgirlie oh my god not yub daddy
Neincraft yub daddys curse has befallen upon u
kitkatgirlie curse? This is a blessing!
Neincraft fair point
Neincraft yoooooo its yubbbbbbbb
Ima change my name to yub jr
You look like quackity
@Whited-Out-Femboy-Collector NO DO NOT EVEN
Neincraft I’m gonna
@Whited-Out-Femboy-Collector no your bringing back a dark time in my life pal
@Whited-Out-Femboy-Collector NO
Neincraft heyyy quackity
@Whited-Out-Femboy-Collector No
Neincraft yes
@Whited-Out-Femboy-Collector I’d rather be jimmyhere