I meannn
@Kumi Somebody called me homophobic for expressing my opinion on neo-pronouns. It’s the same as yours, I can respect just can’t accept, and now because I don’t believe in that I’m the asshole? They asked me for my opinion too, so it’s not like I just blurted it out.
if they have goofy neopronouns I just won’t call them anything.
@Soggy_Bread Yeah true I wanna actually feel like I have an opinion with this kind of stuff that isn’t gonna go away but get MUCH worst without harassment :)
Neo what
@Kenny Neopronouns. they are pronouns that some people use that are objects, people, or animals. Like Bear/Bears/Bearself, Lamp/Lampself, or even Ze/Xie/Xeziself.
Lamp? Oh naw. 🫵🏾🤡
@Kenny Yeah.
@Kumi i agree
im not gonna stand by while some mf calls themself a xe xir -
@Kumi “Neo pronouns” just sounds like a joke.
I think people make up pronouns because they desperately want to be unique, but they dont realize they look more like a
@Duchess 💀
i don’t think some of yall realize how hilarious duch is like seriously