April's Birthdays
@Duchess said in April's Birthdays:
I am so glad she told me so I can give him his lashes with a wet noodle
my birthday is in june jsyk :D
kitkatgirlie Oh, um. It’s a joke.
What day
@Duchess said in April's Birthdays:
24 – Jordan <-- also the same as Endo
I used to know a Jordan, there was a whole lot of drama, they were very active around February I think
@Miss_Americana ny brothers name is jordan-
@Winnie_the_Bitch I dated your brother
@Miss_Americana he’s 25💀
@Winnie_the_Bitch Me too
@Miss_Americana 😶
@Duchess 6th
@Miss_Americana Oh, I see.
Cameron Is that when your birthday is?
@Duchess mhm
Ill add you.
@Bandit fr-