Tired atp. (vent)
Sometimes it just sucks to know that the people you’d be there for anyday, the people who you just let vent to you and you just let them talk to you and really try to let them know you’re listening and hearing them, it sucks to know that those people wouldn’t do the same for you. I can’t even vent to people without them going on a full rant about their issues, and not even listening to me. I’ll be trying to talk to someone and to try to shut me off they just go like “oof” or “same bestie” or "nice
" like thanks man, great to know you’re listening. I feel like I’m crumpling and becoming trapped and stuck inside, and nothing can help me, but I can’t open up about anything cause I feel like my issues are just smaller. Everyone has it so much worse than me, so I can’t complain or say shit. Everything hurts inside, but it’s nothing compared to other people. I ONLY talk to my bf about issues now, but I already do so very rarely cause he’s also going through a hard time. And venting now, i feel like no one’s even gonna care. But yeah. Honestly if you need to talk, I’m still here. But I just- can’t take the amount of stress that’s building up inside of me anymore.
I’m not saying this to be rude to anyone or just to complain, I just- am so tired.
for whoever cares, thanks for reading this. -
@X-Cyx-X hope you feel better soon - [ this was from an automated bot respon-]
i will always listen to you no matter what the issue is. you’ve helped me a lot and i always try to repay the favor by listening to you back. you’re such an amazing person and an amazing friend while i add that. i hope other people start listening to your problems and actually start caring because you’re human too and you need to have help from others at some point in your life. i hope i’m helping you enough and if you ever need to vent to anyone I’m always here- i exist- y e s - existence me- anyways, i just want you to know that i care for you<3 -
@X-Cyx-X Oh my… I get exactly what you mean : ( It’s hard to talk to someone when they only seem to care about themselves in a conversation. I don’t know if you’d ever feel comfortable, but I’m 100% open to chat. You don’t even have to tell me about your problems, but a simple conversation about anything would be cool. I also get not telling your problems to your bf because he’s got stuff too. It’s a weird feeling to complain to someone when you know they’re struggling as well. It’s honestly a huge…huge hurdle to find just the right person to talk to. I promise you that any problem, big or small, I will not compare or belittle it. Everyone has their own level of pain. I’ll open our dm’s if you’re interested.
@X-Cyx-X my dms are always open im always here to hear you and i will try to help
@Rylie-Aspen-Away Thank you so much, and yes you are a help. You are one of my bestest friends <3 <3
you guys are sweet, like actually. I appreciate it, I love u all. <3 <3
@X-Cyx-X have a good day
@X-Cyx-X I hope I don’t do that, do I? I want to always be here for you. I know I haven’t done that too much lately, and I’m sorry. I’m always open to text or call if you need me.
@Duncan-Away it’s alright, don’t worry. I understand what you’re going through <3 . And no you don’t do that <3 <3
@X-Cyx-X your welcome < 3
@Rylie-Aspen-Away and im glad im a help to you, that makes me happy that i am
@X-Cyx-X Ay get better ok? If ya wanna talk we can. I feel the same way.
@MENACE-TO-SOCIETY <3 <3 Thanks, man. : )
@X-Cyx-X Anytime.