Tired atp. (vent)
i will always listen to you no matter what the issue is. you’ve helped me a lot and i always try to repay the favor by listening to you back. you’re such an amazing person and an amazing friend while i add that. i hope other people start listening to your problems and actually start caring because you’re human too and you need to have help from others at some point in your life. i hope i’m helping you enough and if you ever need to vent to anyone I’m always here- i exist- y e s - existence me- anyways, i just want you to know that i care for you<3 -
@X-Cyx-X Oh my… I get exactly what you mean : ( It’s hard to talk to someone when they only seem to care about themselves in a conversation. I don’t know if you’d ever feel comfortable, but I’m 100% open to chat. You don’t even have to tell me about your problems, but a simple conversation about anything would be cool. I also get not telling your problems to your bf because he’s got stuff too. It’s a weird feeling to complain to someone when you know they’re struggling as well. It’s honestly a huge…huge hurdle to find just the right person to talk to. I promise you that any problem, big or small, I will not compare or belittle it. Everyone has their own level of pain. I’ll open our dm’s if you’re interested.
@X-Cyx-X my dms are always open im always here to hear you and i will try to help
@Rylie-Aspen-Away Thank you so much, and yes you are a help. You are one of my bestest friends <3 <3
you guys are sweet, like actually. I appreciate it, I love u all. <3 <3
@X-Cyx-X have a good day
@X-Cyx-X I hope I don’t do that, do I? I want to always be here for you. I know I haven’t done that too much lately, and I’m sorry. I’m always open to text or call if you need me.
@Duncan-Away it’s alright, don’t worry. I understand what you’re going through <3 . And no you don’t do that <3 <3
@X-Cyx-X your welcome < 3
@Rylie-Aspen-Away and im glad im a help to you, that makes me happy that i am
@X-Cyx-X Ay get better ok? If ya wanna talk we can. I feel the same way.
@MENACE-TO-SOCIETY <3 <3 Thanks, man. : )
@X-Cyx-X Anytime.