So, PURELY through word of mouth, our school will be having a very special
edguest coming on Friday. We don’t even know if the school will be opened on that day. Why do I say that? Well, this person is just going to schools near the base in my state. Now, you might be wondering who this person is. Well, if you were expecting someone like J. Cole, Mr Beast, or anybody else from North Carolina that you would expect, you would be DEAD FUCKING WRONG because the supposed special guest is none other that MR. “GRAB 'EM BY THE PUSSY” HIMSELF, DONALD J. TRUMP. In a PREDOMINANTLY BLACK SCHOOL. All I’m saying is that, while I will not be partaking in any crazy acts that may happen on that day, the big Cheeto Puff MAY or MAY NOT be jumped by vape fiends because our school is so unbelievably crazy. -
Flip Ditcher regardless of ur opinion on the guy, u cant deny that this is the most random fucking thing to potentially not even happen.
Flip Ditcher HUH I ALWAYS WANTED TO MEET TRU- (before he tried to ban abortion
Flip Ditcher said in
the big Cheeto Puff MAY or MAY NOT be jumped by vape fiends because our school is so unbelievably crazy.
I could never.
@Poptart_Yeeter raises finger before putting it back down
Flip Ditcher shoosh i said BEFORE HE TRIED TO-
@Poptart_Yeeter raises finger
Flip Ditcher n o
@Poptart_Yeeter inhales
Flip Ditcher boy i just said before he tried to ban abortion. I’m not tryna be screwed when i get older
@Poptart_Yeeter exhales and puts finger down
Flip Ditcher
@Poptart_Yeeter raises finger slightly
Flip Ditcher tf u mean
@Poptart_Yeeter stops breathing
dondal tramp is coming to bros school
bankedboxbox “Tramp” got me.
Flip Ditcher thwt is random but thats crazy
always wanted to meet Trump. hes a cool guy imo
dont fucking kill me bc i said that you overdeveloped neanderthals -
Toast youre getting killed with hammers /j