After About 2 Months, I've returned.
Thank you, bro.
Imagine I will leave again, Instead for 2 years.Thanks, loraK !!
That’s none of your business, And besides, If you don’t know me. Don’t bother trying to act tough, big and bad.
Hiii !!
No words.
im not trying to be big and bad, i’m just sayin
all i am is confused
how tf am i following you
Womp Womp
@na-jaemin0813 I remember when I used to be sad when u left- damn how time flies
Wubbrle the Wubble Why were you sa-
@na-jaemin0813 u left for 2 months
Wubbrle the Wubble Why would you be sad about that
@na-jaemin0813 Cuz i sorta thought something happened to u lol
@Youre_Just_A_Pun_To_Put_It_Politely ooo