guys I wanna tell someone stuff I know and hypothetical events but
oouu and dont even get me started on neanderthals mmmmh
i could spend the next 2 hours yapping about how cool they were and how they were literally a super “human” (in comparision to us h. sapien) like for example they were alot stockier and had alot thicker bones and were actually quiet more intelligent than that of the past h. species and that they were actually as smart as us! they had a bigger brain (aprox. 1500cc) and humans 1300cc (cc=cubic centimeters) although they had a bigger brain size that didnt mean they were smarter actually the large hypothisis that is quite accepted and main reason why they died out is because they were using most of their neurons to control their beefy body, this plays a big factor in:
of course since most of their neurons were condensed into moving their body they unfortuantly didnt get to use those extra neurons like us (h. sapiens) to think! instead much like a ooga booga caveman they wanted to eat more than yk get freaky -
its also known that neanderthals didnt have much morals, and when h. sapiens moved in the females would… kinda… uhhh big ooga booga man with no morals and a much prettier than h. neanderthals woman they would get
! and yes this is important because most of these women wouldnt survive these encounter yes… but the ones who did actually brought and birthed h. neanderthal and h. sapien hybrids. most of these survivers would be eastern asain people, so if youre eastern asain you most likely had a bit of neanderthal in you (its not a good thing) … sorry. this is mainly not a good thing because of how some of the neanderthals died, they did not have good health systems so dieseses that us h. sapiens can fight against h. neanderthals cannot (thats what they get for
ugh see i havent even come close to letting my knowledge out and ive already spend 30m on ts lel
ive not even covered h. erectus and a. aferensis and a. africansis fun fact if these photo:
triggers a flight or fight instinct in your brain its because it should! thats good thing your brain is working good job!!
the reason behind this is simple, studies show that these guys would actually hunt you -
so your brain is simply identifying faces that could be a threat also this happens with the uncanny valley this is because other hominids that would look like us sometimes hunted us
Cameron said in guys I wanna tell someone stuff I know and hypothetical events but:
could spend the next 2 hours yapping
@hiding-from-kio can I yap ur ear off plllllez
Cameron yeah in my dms if want
@hiding-from-kio beddddddttt
Cameron lmao