The Little Bard and the Big Bad Morro Meet Once Again (Final Survivor Part II)
“…Morro. A…displeasure to have to hear your voice again.”
“Oh, but it’s quite the pleasure to see you again, Cassandra. I’ve been dying to see that crushed expression again, like when I nearly killed your little friends.”
“Cat got your tongue, little lamb? Too afraid of the big, bad, wolf??”
“Of course I’m afraid of you, Morro. You’re the kind of person I fear and despise the most. Besides, you- you nearly killed my friends- my family. The people I would follow to the end of the world! But I’m not afraid to admit that.”
“Ah, so the little crybaby finally grew a backbone. Interesting. It won’t matter, though. You will never make it through my conduits.”
“I’m not a crybaby, Morro. I’m just in touch with my emotions, which you clearly aren’t. Because you’re a monster, who has no regard for others. You don’t care how others feel, or what they do! Only when it might benefit you in some way do you start caring!”
“My feelings died forever ago. All my mercy is gone. I am nothing but a monster, and I wear it like a medal of honor. And you know why no one can do anything about it? Because I’m a god.”
“Someone like you shouldn’t even have the title of being a god! It should be a privilege! I mean, look at you! You said it yourself; your feelings died long ago. What else died with you? Your morals? Your- your compassion? Well, I suppose compassion could be considered an emotion, but your empathy? Are you even human anymore? You wonder why people live in fear of you, when the reason is obvious! You use others for your own benefit, like King Rito, which is only to cause harm to others! I didn’t want to hurt him, but if it means taking you down…you…you monster, then- so be it, damn it- Someone like you doesn’t DESERVE to live. Someone like you- doesn’t- you don’t DESERVE to be happy anymore. I hope- I hope whatever caused you to become like this was deserved. I hope- I hope that all the pain someone or something put you through was deserved, because that’s exactly what you already put me through once. Yet I managed to keep my humanity! So what happened to you that you had to become such a monster?! What…justifies your actions?! What gives you the right to act like this, all high-and-mighty?! HUH?!”
Instead of getting pissed off like last time, Morro seems…dumbfounded. Almost…lamentful. “Do you really want to know? Do you really care to understand why I’m a monster?”
“…I’m listening.”
“The reason I’m like this, is because I lost something dear to me. The love of my life. My… Eliza. My family hated her, for no reason.”
He looks dead a Sebastian for a moment.
“And then, she died. Inexplicably. No cause of death identified. I got upset. I got mad. I went insane. I started killing monsters. I started killing people. I got so strong that I killed a god, just so I can inflict suffering on the world, to avenge my Eliza.”Cass glances over at Sebastian for a moment, before returning her gaze back to Rito- er…Morro.
“I understand that- that losing someone like that…is hard. Really hard, but…that…I’m sorry, that doesn’t justify killing other people. Innocent. People, at that. But… Think about her for just a moment… Is that what your Eliza would have wanted? Is that truly what she would have wanted you to do? Was to inflict so much pain onto others, just to make them feel as you felt? To make them go through what you did? Imagine if Eliza was here now… What…what would she say to you? To the monster you’ve become?”Morro’s cold expression changes to one of sadness as he thought about the little bard’s words, as he stands in silence.
“You didn’t think about her, did you? You didn’t think about what she would have wanted…”
“It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s too late to reverse what I’ve done. My heart is filled with hate and I will keep plaguing this land.”
“It’s not too late, Morro. You can still redeem yourself! Just…think of Eliza! Do things she’d want you to do. For her! In her name, you can- you can change your ways. you can still better yourself, and learn from your mistakes. You can try and redeem yourself, if you just…let go. Let the conduits go…and give up. Do it for Eliza. You- you became so blinded by your rage and grief, that…that you lost sight of why it happened in the first place–of who you were acting for. I can see that you loved her, and that her death caused you immense pain and grief, but you let it take over your heart and soul, and now all that’s left is an empty heart, that only knows how to hate, and slaughter, and bring chaos to what you know to be the world.”
𖤐𝐸𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎 𝑀𝑒𝓇𝓇𝒾𝓂𝒶𝒸𝓀𖤐 yooooo MORRO is still aliveee
Wow o _ o
Wubbrle the Wubble... so, campaign wise, Morro isn’t dead yet. I write out of chronological order, so chronologically in order, it’s Total Party Kill (Final Survivor/BBEG Monologue), and then The Little Bard and the Big Bad Morro Meet Once Again (Final Survivor Part II), but “Hold Them Down” was just a headcanon.
Wubbrle the Wubble... yeah, I kind of write little headcanons (things that aren’t story-accurate) whenever, so just look for things relating to Final Survivor and that should be pretty canon, unless I say something otherwise.
Cole The Consumer Of Petrol quite a lot of words-
Me and my boyfriend were yapping late last night and this morning.