I can't watch him sleep 😭
@Fallout_X edited
zofya406 Good shit. But I can still get in. But I wont
@Fallout_X please don’t, he almost woke up just now
zofya406 oop I feel bad lol
zofya406 LMAO
@Fallout_X lol, he’s gonna be so confused
Wtf 💀
zofya406 you never said anything about wanting to watch me sleeping so stfu. Maybe next time idfk 😑
Also you do know people can go back to the original version right of the edit? -
@Thetruepath damn bro, no need to swear, you should have guessed that she wanted to, you gotta know her. Did it ever occur in your head that maybe she wanted to?
@Thetruepath she just wants to stalk you, it’s okay
@toxic it did. Multiple times. But I’m not the person to give absolutely everything on a silver plater. Besides she’s indecisive and I need her to learn how to ask me shit and make decisions. I’m not trying to be rude or anything that’s just what my mind does
@Burd she’d find a way to stalk me either way
@Thetruepath I guess
@toxic did that make sense?
@toxic okay 😂
@Thetruepath my burd brain cannot comprehend
@Burd my apologies burd