Relationship With Your Mom Story?
Sapphire!!! eh it’s alright
@HEXER Okay then
@WoodGecko9118 said in Relationship Story?:
The second?
She joined a piano site.and became a HOMOSEXUAL and found me ON that piano site
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} Oddly, I keep hearing some parents are like that. It’s really odd indeed. I don’t know parents are so prideful, but it’s like their generation just ended up that way. Even someone I know who has lovely parents, they still have a hard time admitting they’re wrong. At least you have a good relationship with your sister. That’s always nice. My sister and I are Irish twins (born a year apart) so growing up with her made us have a good friendship.
@WoodGecko9118 Y’see, that’s why having a good parents is so important. Because when you mess things up with your kids, how do you think they’re going to act with their kids? I guess they just don’ot think about it, huh. That’s crazy how you still don’ot know your parents’ full story. What a mystery for sure. Also, wow, you need to write a book because you wrote this so well lol.
@Calistaa Agreed. I was just thinking how amazing that was. She’d be such a great author
Sapphire!!! That’s amazing to know :) Do you guys have any special things you like to do together?
@HEXER So in other words, it’s not alright. Yknow, I feel like parents just don’t know how to comprehend that their kids suffer too. If people were more understanding, it would make the world so much better. I hear you about the mocking stuff… That’s absolutely unacceptable behavior from a parent. I wish it wasn’t like that for you. It’s fascinating you mention narcissism. What other things does she do that resemble narcissism?
JDP Random I think that’s good :)
@1zzylmao Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. Do you have any good memories of her?
@ᏒᏬᏝᏋᎥᎶᏂ I understand. I knew there’d be a few people who just couldn’t answer, and that’s okay. I don’t know how she was or anything, but I hope she was a lovely woman.
@maybenot-finneas That’s funny lol. It’s good to hear you guys are close despite the fights lol. I’m pretty close with my mom while also being really distant. I love her but there are certain things I can’t share with her, but that’s alright. Mom’s are complicated creatures lol
@Duchess said in Relationship With Your Mom Story?:
Sapphire!!! That’s amazing to know :) Do you guys have any special things you like to do together?
Not really, but I do try and spend time with her whenever I can.
lots of arguments.
@Duchess said in Relationship With Your Mom Story?:
I’m pretty close with my mom while also being really distant
@Duchess she thinks she can do no harm to her children, which also doesn’t allow me to speak up to her without her lecturing me of how good of a mother she is, and likes to act like she’s better than everyone in the house, and likes to act like her needs are always gonna come first. She also said that she was a narcissist right in front of me once.
@Duchess she’s my only parent so i trust her with lots of stuff although i trust my siblings more
Idk lots of people have trouble with their moms, but my mom is actually really cool. Sure, she may be nosy and she might not make the best decisions sometimes, but she’s a great parent that has always cared for me and taken really good care of her family. She has a good sense of humor and she always wants what’s best for me, so I appreciate her
. Let me explain.
My mom is a baker, facial stylist (idk how to call it), and also works at an art gallery. Me and her are like the most closest friends. But sometimes, she can be furious or just gives me the silent stare.
Otherwise, I love her. She gives good advice and the best part is… My mother and step dad match.
My step dad used to work at an expensive restaurant, and now he is our private chef and works at shipment. As said, my mother is a baker. A baker and a chef? Fuck yes.
@HEXER You deserve a better mom, ngl.
Sapphire!!! yeahhhh…
@Duchess uhm me and my mom have a love hate relationship tbh one min we hate eachother then next we love eachother
same -
90% of the time she disagrees with me or tells me I’m doing something wrong. It’s kind of annoying. I prefer “boy” colors and she thinks that’s too masculine and I should stop. As well as clothes. So of course, I get annoyed and sometimes snap but then I get yelled at. She always points out my faults and how there terrible, and should be ashamed of them. Also she always forgets my name.
I have a way better relationship with my brother than my mom. Me and him are the least favorite child, my oldest sister is TOTALLY the favorite. -
@Duchess I am writing a book.
ion like my mom -
my mom is quite the best thing but my dad is quite the extra hell itself
I had a good mothers day. I got to spend a lot of time with my mother and I loved it. Me and my little sister and my mom went out to eat and since my sister is only 7, she wanted to go to the park so we went there. Then I gave my mom her present, It was this watch she has always wanted. And by far, we had a great time.