scarlet lol ooooo yusss i have a tie i wanna try using for a billzo cos but idk what else to get for the cos : <
scarlet lol i shouldnt have that memorized-
get bilzonedyour mother called me off her cellphone
she has my voice as her ringtone
skeleton king got a big throne
scarlet lol
these muppets got sent to the ozone ((yea))married to the grind you’ve been friend zoned ((meow))
@Bee yassss
scarlet lol mhm- ive got this tie with a skeleton spine i wanna use for a billzo cos but like every hot moms shirt i find is too expensive : <
scarlet lol XDD
@Bee lmaooooooooo
scarlet lol like it shouldnt b 30£ plus shipping : <
@Bee mhm-
@Bee there arent any in england??
scarlet lol hard to find and the ones on amazon for the uk are hard to find under 30 so i usually have to order my cosplay stuff from amazon for the us
@Bee dam
scarlet lol mhm im pretty sure billzo prolly ordered his from amazon for the us
@Bee billy goat
I’m going as marceline.
@Lechuga yes adventure time
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi my gf is going as princess bubblegum 😩😩😩🥰
@Lechuga sweet!