scarlet lol like it shouldnt b 30£ plus shipping : <
@Bee mhm-
@Bee there arent any in england??
scarlet lol hard to find and the ones on amazon for the uk are hard to find under 30 so i usually have to order my cosplay stuff from amazon for the us
@Bee dam
scarlet lol mhm im pretty sure billzo prolly ordered his from amazon for the us
@Bee billy goat
I’m going as marceline.
@Lechuga yes adventure time
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi my gf is going as princess bubblegum 😩😩😩🥰
@Lechuga sweet!
@Lechuga cuuuuuuuute
scarlet lol hopefully I hear from my gf soon tho- wdgbekwhbeohwphdefw
@Lechuga the girl i like is my bff and yeah we used to date so
idk what to doooooo
but your lucky lol
scarlet lol When I get my costume with my hollow mask and stuff I will show you.
@Mika_Is_Weird YESSS
@Mika_Is_Weird lol thts actually cool
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi ^^
@Mika_Is_Weird im bein ghost face : D