Bruh why is my jawline so difined
Knox Theres exercises believe it or not that strengthen that like i can chew through an unopened pop can likes its nothing but like chew gum
@JeffMyBeloved AYOOOOO
DOctor doctor HAVE MERCY ON MEE Lol
@JeffMyBeloved >.>
Alice Lol
Shadow oh, have u seen the drama between ttp and zof OwO
Alice Yeah
Shadow idk what happned they were so close…
Alice Ask ttp he’ll explain and i dont blame him honestly
Shadow i know, but thats just rude for zof to do him dirty like that…
Alice I’m sorry I don’t mean to jump in but don’t talk about dat bcs if the mods see dat they’re gonna lick this post, if u wanna talk about it do it in dms or js- not at all ._.
@7o2_an-a THEY’RE GONNA LICK IT?! 😨
Cursed Cucumber DUDE THEY LICK POST?
Cursed Cucumber I had honestly just woke up, and auto correct is always being a bitch, but I meant lock.
the fuck did i miss
Logitech looking ass
Shadow what?
Neincraft That was a nice one