Halloween plans?
@Cyx who u making out with?
@Cyx also we’re gonna dress up as demons
@YourLocalPansexual my girlfriend…💀💀
@BubblyStars ong tho
@Cyx Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-
im gonna be a slutty witch and go trick or treating with my neices :]]
prolly search the dark web and download illegal horror games with my brother
maybe watch a scary movie at a random park under a blanket
maybe go to a party and drink something i shouldnt -
@Serco915 u gonna what
@YourLocalPansexual Truck or treating is adorable lol
@BubblyStars Oh no, I know what you’re talking about xD. Those are huge.
@4o2-Diego Just to hang out or to eat candy?
@Karol My family also also celebrate All Souls & All Saint’s Day lol
@Cyx Why people want to go somewhere to be scared? lol
@sadboy_bees That is adorable :)
Knox Sounds illigal. Don’t get caught lol
@Duchess im gonna dress up as harley quinn
Going outside in my costume, sitting down on the driveway and pretending to be decoration holding a candy basket for people to grab from so I can scare the heck out of people
Did that last year -
@Sen u menace…can i join u?
@Duchess I’m throwing a party!
Definitely will do trick or treat in a vampire costume. 🧐🍷
I plan on knocking all the houses of my street, and get a lot and I mean a LOT of candies. I just love them.
kitkatgirlie yes
@Sen nice
@Duchess To hangout
@Sen Ugh… that reminds me. I was just taking a walk yesterday and someone had this motion-sensor-moving-screaming witch decoration on the corner of their yard that had a wooden fence, so when I turned the corner, I got the scare of my life and thought some Karen started screaming at me out of nowhere.
@Duchess LOL
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